Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Too Little, Too Late

Here it is Obama: A poll that shows a majority of Democrats (not all voters) disappointed, or having no opinion, in the abandonment of a public option in health-care reform.

The Democrats will feel a backlash on this from the Left. The people that got them elected, the people they depend on to work them through election after election, the people that put up with milquetoast leadership and near daily retreat are sending YOU signals, Obama and company.

And as it looks more and more likely by the day that this "trigger" option, where we're all supposed to wait for insurance companies to make good on reliable insurance access and affordability over the next few years, will be our "reform." Doesn't that basically admit that a public option, that would be "triggered" somewhere down the road if insurance companies don't acquiesce, is a desired system? Why are we putting it off? To placate the powerful insurance companies, the masters of Max Baucus and the rest of the Democrats put in place to work out reform. How convenient.

Forget the Republicans. They were never on board, and Democratic leadership allowed themselves to be hoodwinked for months too long. Harry Reid is finally saying something to acknowledge the GOP saboteurs. But it never should have gone this far.

(Top photo: Day Four, 9/8/09, of the 365 Project. Let my health care go.)

(Bottom photo: Day Three, 9/7/09, of the 365 Project. The view of early 20th century socialist/activist Eugene Debs through the vantage of early 20th century capitalist/tycoon Henry Ford, in the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.)

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