Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Head Like a Hole III

By now, the details of the upcoming Sarah Palin "memoir," entitled something like "Gone Rogue: The Sarah Palin Story," are starting to trickle out. There's sure to be some priceless gems in the book, especially if her foreign policy speech to those Hong Kong businessmen (sounds fishy already) is any indication of her desires to begin World War III.

But no one periodically sums of up the entirety of Sarah Palin from time to time like Andrew Sullivan:

We discovered that Palin knew nothing even about energy policy and was incapable of keeping her stories straight on any number of matters, large and small. She was a cynical tool of cynical people, marketed entirely as an identity politics candidate to appeal to white conservative red staters. In a party where the number of serious figures actually trying to address policy questions can be counted on one hand, she relied on absurd slogans such as "Drill, baby, drill!" and ugly insinuations about "real America." Her emergence revealed that America is in a period of decadence and unseriousness, even as its decline as an economic and world power accelerated and its moral authority crumbled.


The days of open press conferences will be over as Palin narrow-casts only to the base. At the same time, you see the right urging a coup, while all but beating a drum for the assassination of the president, an event that would tip this country into a near civil war. In this climate, establishment conservatism for the most part is fanning the flames and pouring on the gasoline.

Look, I don't believe that she could pull any more than 40% in a presidential election, even if Obama's popularity is low. But it's doubtful this is all for 2012. This might be a long campaign for 2016. Is 2016 some kind of Christian Conservative year of the apocalypse? Maybe she's the tool of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse .. a kind of ambassador laying down preparations for the End Times. Or is it just the triumphal merger of the dumb and the extreme?

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