Thursday, September 10, 2009

One more thing ...

To build off that last post, on the media treating liberals and the public option as if they were agents of the fringe. Jane Hamsher flags this one from Rasmussen polling yesterday:
One major challenge is that while most voters oppose the legislation with or without a so-called “public option, that option is essential to supporters. In fact, without the inclusion of a government-run health insurance company to compete with private insurers, enthusiasm for the reform plan collapses among Democrats.

Imagine that. Yes, it's true, Democratic voters that installed Democratic leaders to the White House and Congress (based in very big part by their promise to support at least a public option in health-care reform) would be upset and disappointed by the complete 180-degree cold shoulder on this issue of such importance. No shit. But the media refuses to see these ubiquitous signs of what the majority of Americans want. They refuse to challenge the status quo. Report that so many of these losers campaigned on backing a public option. Now, they're suddenly concerned, or, rather, they suddenly felt health lobby and industry pressure to back off.

At this point, I'm not sure if I'm talking about Democrats or the media, but it fits them both. They're twin supreme sell-outs.

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