Saturday, October 17, 2009

You Do Know There Are Ramifications to Racism, Right?

Remember those witch-hunting four members of the House GOP accusing a Muslim political advocacy group of trying to plant Muslim spies, or "interns," into Hill staff positions?

Former Bush official Suhail Khan, a Muslim-American, told TPMMuckraker a few things that the Republicans should think about pretty seriously. Do they want to continue down the avenues that only narrow the core of the party and scare off anyone on the fence (independents they are lauded as)?

Now the Fellow for Christian-Muslim Understanding at the Institute for Global Engagement, Khan says he thinks the types of charges made by the four Republicans this week could have a chilling effect on young Muslims considering careers in Washington.

And the high-profile charges have an effect on the other side of the job equation, too. "Really what they're trying to do here is to scare otherwise thoughtful members and chiefs of staff from hiring Muslims."

This doesn't seem like a party really trying to look forward and compete with new ideas, does it?

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