Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Vote Will Be Pliable, I Say!

I'm not sure if I like this statement or not:

"Is this bill all that I would want? Far from it," Snowe said in announcing her vote. "But when history calls, history calls."

That's Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) today while being the only Republican in the Senate Finance Committee to vote for the health-care reform bill.

Is that true or false sentiment? Is this a bold approach or not? Does this vote make much of a statement for her? I'm just not sure what she's trying to convey with the "far from it," then saying "history calls." I guess it doesn't ultimately matter what her intentions are, she voted for it. A vote is a vote. Then again, she'll be a pain in the ass for the rest of the process. She'll get what she wants, to a certain extent. They, being the White House, are oddly hellbent on including the mostly unserious Republicans on health reform. Snowe's the only one to take them up.

It seems pretty pathetic for all involved.

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