Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Desperation, the Preferred Human Emotion of the Cheneys

I like how the Cheney name has become synonymous with "dark fatalistic scowl."

A new non-profit org, Keep America Safe, is the brainchild of Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol that attempts to drive home the idea that Obama has made us less safe (when in actuality, he's not de-escalated much of anything George W. Bush's military did ... troops have left Iraq, but more have and will go to Afghanistan).

Scott Horton from Harper's:

I’d reduce the real purpose of Keep America Safe to this: “Please don’t prosecute my father!” It’s increasingly clear that Dick Cheney was the author of the Bush-era torture policies, and my hunch is that when the Justice Department releases the OPR report on the torture memos, we’re going to find more evidence of the invisible hand of Dick Cheney behind the whole project. Any fair-minded federal prosecutor looking into the matter would shortly be preparing to do what Patrick Fitzgerald probably wishes now he had done: indict Dick Cheney.

Again, this is some monumental scrambling on the family's part. Liz is the most passionate (or just most comfortable with a camera), though the rest are probably working their own preferred back channels underground and in assorted sinister places the Cheneys go at night.

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