Monday, October 26, 2009

Harry Reid goes with opt-out public option

But is the devil in the details?

Okay, I'll give him a break for one minute. But I'll withhold any more judgement on the matter until I can see the entire scope of this health-care bill in the Senate, presumably more conservative than the House version.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced what we've been reporting today - the merged health care bill will include a public option allowing states to opt-out.

"Under this concept states will be able to determine whether the public option works best for them," Reid told reporters. He said it was the "fairest" way to go.

Reid (D-NV) said after "countless hours" of talking to his caucus, there is a "strong consensus" for this plan. He said he will not submit a plan with a triggered public option to the Congressional Budget Office.

"As we've gone through this process, I've concluded, with the support of the White House and Senators. Dodd and Baucus, that the best way to move forward is to include a public option with an opt out provision for states," Reid said.

And TPM's David Kurtz has that the White House congratulated Reid on the bill, no ifs, and or buts.

Robert Gibbs just issued a statement on behalf of President Obama congratulating Harry Reid for settling on a Senate bill -- and notably expressing his pleasure that a public option was included: The President is "pleased that the Senate has decided to include a public option for health coverage, in this case with an allowance for states to opt out."

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