Friday, October 23, 2009

Obama wants the trigger. Will Reid give in?

After months of stated support for a public option in health-care reform legislation, President Obama looks to have come out on what he wants in the bill: the trigger option touted by Sen. Olympia Snowe ... a Republican and our de facto president. Politico:

Obama told Senate Democratic leadership at the White House Thursday evening that his preference is for the trigger championed by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) — a plan that would allow a public plan to kick in if private insurers don’t expand coverage fast enough, a top administration official told POLITICO. It’s also sign Obama is interested in maintaining a sense of bipartisanship around the health reform plan.

At that meeting, Obama did not sign on to a plan being floated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) to include a different variation of the public option in the Senate bill — a plan that would create a national public plan but allow states to “opt out.” Reid now believes he can get 60 votes to bring a bill with that plan to the floor by breaking an expected GOP filibuster — and then secure the 51 votes needed to pass it.

To that last paragraph, then do it Reid. Harry, you are the majority leader of the Senate. Lead! But Reid needs Obama's support in his upcoming reelection campaign, so it's whatever his cash cow wants.

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