Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dawn Johnsen's bow out: Inevitable

Glenn Greenwald laments the death of Dawn Johnsen's nomination to be head of the Office of Legal Counsel. As for reasons to the breakdown with Johnsen, Greenwald points out the contradictions of Obama's past and present positions on executive power.

I don't know the real story behind what happened here -- I had an email exchange with Johnsen this afternoon but she was only willing to provide me her official, pro forma, wholly uninformative statement -- but here's what I do know: virtually everything that Dawn Johnsen said about executive power, secrecy, the rule of law and accountability for past crimes made her an excellent fit for what Candidate Obama said he would do, but an awful fit for what President Obama has done.


What Johnsen insists must not be done reads like a manual of what Barack Obama ended up doing and continues to do -- from supporting retroactive immunity to terminate FISA litigations to endless assertions of "state secrecy" in order to block courts from adjudicating Bush crimes to suppressing torture photos on the ground that "opennees will empower terrorists" to the overarching Obama dictate that we "simply move on." Could she have described any more perfectly what Obama would end up doing when she wrote, in March, 2008, what the next President "must not do"?

The legal opinions of Dawn Johnsen and Barack Obama diverged a loooooong time ago.

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